George Fife
1853 The Lancet  
and Salonica tobacco; these are all the produce of Nicotiana rustica; they are mild, but valuable tobaccos. Turkey tobacco comes over in broad and separate leaves, of a bright-yellow colour. Persian or Shiraz Tubacco is also a Levant tobacco; it is delicate and fragrant, and is the produce of Nicotiana Pe1'sica. Another description is EAST INDIA TOBACCO, of which a small quantity only is imported; it is not much esteemed. Manilla 2'obacco, grown near the town of Manilla, in Lucon, one of the
more » ... lippine Islands, is a dark-coloured tobacco, and is extensively used in the manufacture of cheroots.
doi:10.1016/s0140-6736(02)20001-x fatcat:zv22ztiuivfrlkxphumm6pzqh4