A Class of Univalent Biharmonic Mappings

金静 乔
2013 Pure Mathematics  
The main aim of this paper is to discuss univalent sense-preserving biharmonic mappings in the unit disk. As a generalization of starlike biharmonic mappings and convex biharmonic mappings, a family of univalent sense-preserving biharmonic mappings   0 , , , BH U    k is given, and it is also given a sufficient condition for a biharmonic mapping in   0 , , ,k  BH U   by using a coefficients inequality. Moreover, it is proved that this coefficients inequality is a characterization of
more » ... harmonic mappings in the subclass of that with negative coefficients.  0 , , , BH U     k
doi:10.12677/pm.2013.34043 fatcat:blregxzei5fchnn2qaftilmrui