Intercooled/Recuperated Shipboard Generator Drive Engine

R. G. Mills, K. W. Karstensen
1986 Volume 2: Aircraft Engine; Marine; Microturbines and Small Turbomachinery   unpublished
Adverse consequences of losing electrical power to complex electronic and fire control equipment, or of the sudden variations of shore power, cause naval combatants to operate two generators most of the time, each at light load where specific fuel consumption of simplecycle gas turbines is particularly high. The recuperated gas turbine with variable power-turbine nozzles has a much better specific fuel consumption, especially at part load. Herein described is a compact recuperated gas turbine
more » ... th variable power-turbine nozzles designed for marine and industrial use, suitable with or without intercooling. These features yield a specific fuel consumption that is comparable to marine diesels used for generator drive, and essentially flat across the entire usable load range.
doi:10.1115/86-gt-203 fatcat:2tcwtdx5gzanvnk5uxwfdsucqm