Kazakova, Boyko
this principle of writing strategy opens a new direction, which may assist to simplify the sophisticated tasks in the field of academic essays or other types of writings in learner's mind. It is particularly used to clarify the ideas and to gain all data with the exact details. Subsequently, learner can divide gathered information into structures so as to conduct the essay. The concept of prewriting and its role in foreign language have been widely discussed. However, a dearth of discussion on
more » ... he role of Second language writing pedagogies still exist. Especially, this strategy for teaching academic essay writing has been somewhat neglected. This article attempts to fill this space. The prewriting strategy serves as a direction of inputting necessary ideas and demonstrating the inexperienced student writers' horizon, providing them with an informed awareness of typical features of paragraphs in academic essays. These features include topic sentences, supporting sentences, concluding sentences and two textual components: cohesion and coherence. Furthermore, the prewriting activities explore the learner's ideas in developing structures regarding the topic, so that it enhance various ways to approach the learner's writing. For exploring ideas it requires such strategies: brainstorming, freewriting, mapping, listing and using charts[1, 19]. First, we will discuss briefly the concept of brainstorming strategy and its pedagogical benefits. Subsequently, we will characterize other types of strategies one by one, stepping forward with obvious details. The implementation of prewriting activities for building well-developed paragraphs in academic essays, which deserves a lengthy discussion will be addressed in the following article. The concept of Brainstorming Brainstorming is a way to suggest the ideas either alone or in a group. The prior principle of brainstorming is to let the learner's ideas flow without judging them. Fig. 1. Example ideas for brainstorming Firstly, the learner generates the ideas, secondly, he can return to them and skips the ones that will not work. The straightforward way to brainstorm is to start with a word or phrase and let the learner's ideas flow for a set time. Freewriting With the similarity of Brainstorming, freewriting is also writing down the ideas as they come to the learner's mind. While freewriting, one is not required to care about the grammar errors or thinking of whether ideas are appropriate or not.