Study on Civil Engineering Sustainable Development Strategy

Xianglan Li, Li Guo
2015 Proceedings of the 2015 International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control   unpublished
Civil engineering is one of the most important production activities that human affecting the natural environment. Among them, the construction materials production and use, engineering design, construction, use of the project after completed and removal after scrapped and other processes have to consume large amounts of energy, and continue to produce waste, and these issues will cause significant influence on ecological environment. Therefore, as a pillar industry of the national economy, we
more » ... ot only need to develop civil engineering in order to meet the needs of economic and social development, but also pay attention to environmental protection, resource conservation, as well as promote sustainable development strategies. Based on the above reasons and understanding the concept of sustainable development and connotation rightly, the paper studies sustainable development strategy of civil engineering and discusses the sustainable development in the stage of civil engineering design from the preliminary design stage, technical design stage and construction design stage respectively. 3rd International Conference on Management, Education, Information and Control (MEICI 2015)
doi:10.2991/meici-15.2015.73 fatcat:mhlzclzkh5dxxcjz75iyaduygy