أهمیة البرامج العلاجیة فی تطویر المهارات التواصلیة لدى الأطفال التوحدیین (قراءة تحلیلیة فی بعض الدراسات الحدیثة)

مختاریة بن لعربی
2020 المجلة العلمیة للتربیة الخاصة  
‫لعربي‬ ‫بن‬ ‫مخوااية‬ 164 This study aims to confirm that the importance of therapeutic programs in developing communication skills among autistic children, we shall expose collection of studies and research related to the role of therapeutic programs for the autistic children in developing their communication and their social contacts, we would present these studies and their goals, and their results. Finally,we noted that the therapeutic programs in developing communication skills are effective and very important for the autistic children
doi:10.21608/sosj.2020.156292 fatcat:opjhyi4ouvbuxjiodslifirvcy