Investigation of collisional effects within the bending magnet region of a DIII-D neutral beamline

D.N. Kessler, R. Hong, D.H. Kellman
15th IEEE/NPSS Symposium. Fusion Engineering  
the magnet pole shields, magnet louvers, ion dump, beam collimators, and calorimeter.Data was also taken at gas flowratesvaryingfrom 0 to 25 torr-¢/sec intotheneutralizer The regionbetween thepole facesof the DIII-D neu-celland iscompared with the magnet regiongas injection tralbeamline residualion bending magnets is an area of data obtained. Resultsshow that both collisional effects transienthigh gas pressurewhich may cause beam defo-and space charge blow-up play a role in magnet region
more » ... nd increasedheating of beamline internal compo-component heatingand thatneutralizer gasflow sufficiently nents due to colUsional effects. An investigation of these reducescomponent heatingwithout incurring unacceptable effects helps in understandingresidual ion trajectories and power losses through collisional effects. in providinginformationfor studying the beamline capability for operationwith increasedpulse duration.Exam- 1.2.
doi:10.1109/fusion.1993.518364 fatcat:ozrsyrrlynh7hlem2ypl4czhbq