مقالة: ما معنى أن الله جعل المسلمین أمة وسطًا ؟ للشیخ محمد الغزالی - قراءة فی بلاغة النص

حنان سعد سیدأحمد سرواح
2022 مجلة کلیة اللغة العربیة بإتاى البارود  
The research aims to show that moderation in the thought of Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali is the approach of Islam and the spirit of his call, which is carried in all its parts by faith, law and morals, and if it is extracted from him -through ignorance or exaggeration -this religion loses its life, its good and its justice, and if you look at this term in thought Imam Muhammad Al-Ghazali found that moderation was linked and based on several pillars, including: charity, justice, comprehensiveness,
more » ... rtyrdom, authenticity and modernity. And the origins, features and particles that the sheikh dealt with and discussed, and in the past they said: "A person is hidden under his tongue, and when he speaks, he appears." As Al-Jahiz said: "A man's hair is a part of his speech, his thought is a part of his mind, and his choice is a part of his knowledge." The legal and doctrinal aspect, and I recommend the inclusion of the texts of the Sheikh and those in his class of scholars who combined thought and literature to the rhetorical lesson so that the benefit is achieved on both sides by combining the study of the language and its preservation with the education of young people and generations on the constants of the correct religion.
doi:10.21608/jlt.2022.243233 fatcat:e7jepvlhd5eothpc35dkgqfdsm