Spin Transfer due to Quantum Magnetization Fluctuations

Andrei Zholud, Ryan Freeman, Rongxing Cao, Ajit Srivastava, Sergei Urazhdin
2017 Physical Review Letters  
Spin transfer - the transfer of angular momentum from spin-polarized electrical current to magnetic materials - has been extensively researched as an efficient mechanism for the electronic manipulation of the static and dynamic states in nanomagnetic systems, advancing our understanding of nanomagnetism and electronic transport, and enabling the development of energy-efficient magnetic nanodevices. Our present understanding of spin transfer is based on the classical approximation for the
more » ... zation, even though the spin-polarized electrons mediating spin transfer are treated quantum-mechanically. Here, we utilize a nanoscale magnetic spin-valve structure to demonstrate that quantum zero-point fluctuations of magnetization, neglected in the existing theories of spin transfer, provide the dominant contribution to this effect at cryogenic temperatures, and remain non-negligible even at room temperature. The demonstrated quantum spin transfer (QST) is distinguished by a non-smooth piecewise-linear dependence of the fluctuation intensity on current, and can be driven not only by the directional flows of electrons, but also by their thermal motion. This effect can enhance current-induced phenomena, overcoming the efficiency limitations that are presently perceived as fundamental to the spin transfer mechanism.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.119.257201 pmid:29303334 fatcat:zexoxuexlfek7gdtngpwgg6rra