Interchain effects in the ultrafast photophysics of a semiconducting polymer:THztime-domain spectroscopy of thin films and isolated chains in solution

E. Hendry, M. Koeberg, J. M. Schins, H. K. Nienhuys, V. Sundström, L. D. A. Siebbeles, M. Bonn
2005 Physical Review B  
We compare the generation and decay dynamics of charges and excitons in a model polymer semiconductor ͑MEH-PPV͒ in solution and drop-cast thin films, by recording the sub-ps transient complex conductivity using THz time-domain spectroscopy. The results show that the quantum efficiency of charge generation is two orders of magnitude smaller in solution ͑ϳ10 −5 ͒ than in the solid film ͑ϳ10 −3 ͒. The proximity of neighboring chains in the films apparently facilitates ͑hot͒ exciton dissociation,
more » ... esumably by allowing the electron and hole to separate on different polymer strands. For both samples, photoexcitation leads to the predominant formation of bound charge pairs ͑excitons͒ that can be detected through their polarizability. Surprisingly, the polarizability per absorbed photon is a factor of 3 larger in solution than in the film, suggesting that interchain interactions in the film do not result in a substantial delocalization of the exciton wave function.
doi:10.1103/physrevb.71.125201 fatcat:62e5wsfi3zhfhauowoj6jznaju