Field Demonstration of a 1.5 MW Industrial Gas Turbine With a Low Emissions Catalytic Combustion System

David K. Yee, Kare Lundberg, Chris K. Weakley
2000 Volume 2: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels; Combustion and Fuels; Oil and Gas Applications; Cycle Innovations   unpublished
Combustor to be a demonstrator of catalytic technology -Materials selected to minimize development time -No size limitations Basic engine/combustor approach -No modifications to gas turbine -Combustor change out at combustor flange -Natural gas fuel only Performance targets -Emissions over 90 to 100% load range and wide ambient NOx < 3 ppm CO < 5 ppm UHC < 5 ppm -Minimal impact on turbine performance Combustor outlet temperature of 1300°C (2400°F) to demonstrate catalytic combustion technology for wide range of engines
doi:10.1115/2000-gt-0088 fatcat:rw2sqiirkbfare7n4nuabiahxm