Happiness and Hope for Success in T1DM Patients [post]

Katarzyna Cyranka, Domnika Dudek, Bartłomiej Matejko, Piotr Małecki, Maciej T Małecki, Maciej Pilecki, Tomasz Klupa
2021 unpublished
Happiness and hope are essential parts of human health. One of the main purposes of health care, including diabetes care, are to achieve happiness and a sense of purpose in life. Material and methodDuring educational workshops a short survey concerning the level of happiness and hope for success in the group of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM) patients was carried out. 120 patients anonymously filled in Subjective Happiness Scale (SHS) and a Hope for Success Questionnaire (KNS).Results and
more » ... sionsThe level of subjective happiness in T1DM patients was lower than in general population for both sexes, for all age categories apart from people older than 50, who seem to be happy and satisfied with their life with no differences compared to the general population. In terms of hope for success, T1DM teenagers and adults aged 27-50 did not differ from the general population. T1DM patients older than 50 turned out to have higher hope for success in life that other T1DM patients. Special attention should be paid to patients in young adulthood (18-26), who seem to be the most pessimistic group of T1DM patients, with low self-esteem and low believe in their possibilities.
doi:10.21203/rs.3.rs-957500/v1 fatcat:ff3bmvl36rb63nqz5hjb6rowly