Die Liebe kommt

Judith Gerlich
2014 unpublished
This thesis investigates different conceptions of marriage and romantic love pertaining to members of the Afghan diaspora living in Vienna and Graz. In Afghanistan and among the Afghan diaspora marriage is a pivotal institution. Often members of the explored diaspora want to maintain their Afghan traditions, values and ideals. Nevertheless transformation and reevaluation take place. Thus, they develop strategies to match family interests with personal interests and/or to evade rules. As the
more » ... r shows, arranged and self determined marriages can only be considered as ideal types. In actual reality many different marriage patterns do exist, which are based on different extents of self determination. In some cases for example, families will pretend a marriage is arranged although it is self determined. Love is important not only for the choice of the spouse but also for the quality of the marriage. The paper explores the handling of (romantic) love and deals with the concept that love comes.
doi:10.25365/thesis.34548 fatcat:wgiuzqgwczaxhnmv5uyj76gupu