A Bridge Damage Detection Approach using Train-Bridge Interaction Analysis and GA Optimization

X. He, M. Kawatani, T. Hayashikawa, H. Furuta, T. Matsumoto
2011 Procedia Engineering  
This research is intended to establish a bridge damage detection approach employing only direct analyses of traininduced vibration by means of introducing soft computing methods. In this approach, different from identifying the structural damages using inverse analyses, the possible damage patterns of the bridge are assumed at first. Then, the running train-induced bridge vibration under a certain damage pattern is calculated employing a developed trainbridge interaction analysis procedure.
more » ... the calculated response is identical to the recorded one, this damage pattern will be the solution. However, owing to the large number of damage patterns, it is difficult to identify the exact solution. Therefore in this approach, the optimization method of Genetic Algorithm is applied to identify the damage pattern including the damage locations and degrees, in which the difference between the calculated results and the recorded responses is defined as the object function. The basic models and process of this approach are introduced in this paper.
doi:10.1016/j.proeng.2011.07.097 fatcat:nqoyrlhapnd53lzubgech5usbi