Influence Due to Supume Particle of Relatively Large Size of Non-spherical Aerosols on the Top of the Atmosphere (ToA) Radiance Estimation

2003 Journal of The Remote Sensing Society of Japan  
An influence due to supume particle of relatively large size of non-spherical aerosols containing bubbles on the Top of the Atmosphere (ToA) radiance estimation is clariified by using the method based on ray tracing, geometric approximation. The size of supume particle of aerosol is assumed to be 10ƒÊm while that of bubbles ranges from 0 to 5ƒÊm. Th non-spherical ratio of aerosol is assumed to be c/a=0.456, 0.716, 1.0, 1.482 and 2.024 where a and c are the minor and the major axis. It is found
more » ... hat the influences due to supume aerosol on the ToA radiance ranges from 3.2% to 14.6%. It is also found that the influences due to bubbles on the ToA radiance is about 4.7% in the case of spherical aerosol particles and ranges from about 1.4% to 2.9% in the case of non-spherical aerosol particles which depends on the ratio of c/a.
doi:10.11440/rssj1981.23.355 fatcat:qpqgjqmx3zdcjhur6j7nbumosy