Adaptive multi-task monitoring system based on overhead prediction

Imed Lassoued, Chadi Barakat
2010 Proceedings of the Workshop on Programmable Routers for Extensible Services of Tomorrow - PRESTO '10  
The remarkable growth of the Internet infrastructure, the tremendous success of the Internet-based applications and their rapidly changing characteristics have made the management and monitoring of ISP networks a complex process. The design of a new monitoring system that takes into account the requirements of multiple monitoring tasks and variations in the traffic is becoming an inevitable trend. In this paper, we propose a monitoring system that adaptively adjusts its configuration according
more » ... o network conditions and measurement accuracy. Our system relies on an optimization method consisting of: (i) overhead prediction to track short-term and long-term changes in the traffic, and (ii) a global weighted utility function to deal with multiple monitoring tasks. To assess the performance of our system, we propose an exhaustive experimental methodology for the evaluation of monitoring applications. We present our experimental platform and provide a global study of the operation of the proposed system and the impact of the different parameters on its behavior. *
doi:10.1145/1921151.1921167 fatcat:4dcttpcwrndmtjjcx5r4rj23yi