Follow-up study of intrcapsular femoral neck fracture treated with osteosynthesis

Yasuzi Mako, Tomoko Matumoto, Yosimasa Ootubo, Satoru Motokawa, Kanzi Akiyama, Kazusige Maeda, Yosihiro Inoue
1990 Orthopedics & Traumatology  
A retrospective study of 37 intercapsular femoral neck fracture treated with osteosynthesis is presented, with an average follow-up of five years and one month. There were 4 males and 33 females, their mean age being 67 years. The fractures were classified according to Garden.
doi:10.5035/nishiseisai.39.709 fatcat:67xzafmz2jaublvtf4mpmroejm