Morphological characteristics of the baby's breath (Gypsophila Paniculata L.) submitted to different organic compounds

Sara Moreno Pereira Lacerda, Joseane Oliveira da Silva, Jacson Tavares de Oliveira, Thamires Oliveira da Silva, Felizardo Adenilson Rocha, Lucas Farias de Sousa
2021 Revista Ibero-Americana de Ciências Ambientais  
The baby's breath (Gypsophila paniculata L.) is a plant used to compose floral arrangements. The objective of this work was to evaluate the efficiency of the use of Humoativo and Bovine Manure in the morphological characterization of the baby's breath. The experiment was carried out in the vegetation house at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Bahia - IFBA - Campus of Vitória da Conquista, Bahia. Different proportions of Bovine Manure - BM and Humoativo - HA were
more » ... constituting the following treatments: T1: 0% BM and 0% HA; T2: 25% BM and 75% HA; T3: 50% BM and 50% BM; T4: 75% BM and 25% HA; T5: 100% BM and 0% HA; T6: 0% BM and 100% HA. The design was completely randomized (DCR), with four replications, totaling 24 experimental units. After transplanting, Plant Height, Number of Flower Stems, Height of Flower Stem, Number of Primary Branches of the Flower Stem, and Flower Diameter were evaluated. The fresh and dry weight of the plant was also checked. Data were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by the mean test (Tukey 5%) using the statistical program SAEG - Statistical Analysis System (GOMES, 1992). The use of BM and HA favored the accumulation of fresh weight of the flower, stem, root, and total fresh weight. The same occurs for dry weight. All analyzed variables increased with the doses of EB and HA.
doi:10.6008/cbpc2179-6858.2021.008.0005 fatcat:jx32ggkfmjewpjwwdtuoulvvdm