The Statistical Analysis of the Transaction Volume of Peer-to-Peer Lending in China

Yingdong Wang, Yanbin Zhang, Xinru Xu, Xiaoyan Yang, Yueming Zheng, Y. Ahn, F. Wu
2020 E3S Web of Conferences  
Since 2013, China's P2P lending industry has developed rapidly, but many related problems have been exposed. Following the regulation of the P2P lending industry, the transaction volume of the P2P lending declines significantly. In order to study the development trend of China's P2P lending industry, based on the monthly data of China's P2P lending transaction volume from January 2014 to December 2019, the regression method was used to make seasonal adjustment. Then the Newey-west estimation
more » ... hod was used to make regression to establish the P2P lending transaction volume model in China. After analysis, it is concluded that the structure of China's P2P lending industry changed in 2017, and the volume of P2P lending industry will continue to decline in the future. Therefore, China's P2P lending industry not only needs to strengthen the supervision system of Internet credit, but also needs to promote Internet credit innovation and develop Internet credit technology and business model.
doi:10.1051/e3sconf/202021403002 fatcat:dvrnxqm46vavrern2bxp5ut2ta