An intelligent seat occupancy detection system
Guillermo Barreiro
Today's electronic systems rely on pattern recognition for a variety o f tasks. One of the industrial sectors that has broadly explored and used pattern recognition for its continuous improvement is the automotive industry, especially in motor vehicle safety. Air bags systems are the main component of the motor vehicle safety systems included in any car. Unfortunately, deaths reportedly have been caused by airbags inflating in low severity crashes. To reduce the number of fatalities produced by
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... airbags, car manufacturers are urged to create intelligent airbag deployment systems. The main intention of this work is to design and implement the pattern recognizer for a prototype of a car seat occupancy system using artificial intelligence methods, namely fuzzy clustering, self-organizing maps, and neural networks. Experimentation on the final systems is also described, and accuracy in recognition, robustness to failures and possible improvements are reported. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Chapter 4 Data Analysis 4.1 Fuzzy Clustering 4.1.1 Algorithm 4.1.2 Experimentation and Results 4.1.3 Conclusions 4.2 Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) 4.2.1 Algorithm 4.2.2 SOM results interpretation 4.2.3 Experimentation and Results 4.2.4 Conclusions 4.3 Neural Networks 4.3.1 Single Layer Perceptron 4.3.2 Multiple Layer Perceptron 4.3.3 Backpropagation Algorithm 4.3.4 Experimentation and Results 4.3.5 Conclusions Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Chapter 5. Final Development and testing of Pattern Recognizer 5.1 Filtering of Database 5.2 Neural Network Design 5.3 Method used to enhance the Neural Network Performance 5.3.1 Normalization of database 5.3.2 Addition o f Hidden Layers 5.4 Robustness of Neural Network 5.4.1 Rounding of values of input feature vectors 5.4.2 Sensor Relevance 5.4.2 Sensitivity to sensor failure Chapter 6. General Conclusions and Discussion BIBLIOGRAPHY WWW links APPENDIX A A .l FMVSS 208 Training Positions A.2 Car Manufacturer 1 Due Care Training Positions A.3 Car Manufacturer 2 Due Care Training Positions APPENDIX B APPENDIX C C .l Two sensor failure test results C.2 Three sensor failure test results Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission. Reproduced with permission of the copyright owner. Further reproduction prohibited without permission.