Investigation for Loose Shoulder Performed Additional Operation
Loose Shoulderに対する多数回手術例の検討

H. Tsutsui, R. Yamamoto, I. Anraku, Y. Imazato, K. Mihara, S. Hokari
1988 Katakansetsu  
We have performed surgical operation on 45 cases, 10 male and 35 female, diagnosed as loose shoulder. The average age was 19.2 years old and the average follow-up period was 2 years and 11 months. There were 6 cases (8 shoulders) which underwent two or more operations. 2 cases (4 shoulders) had their first operation in our department and 4 cases (4 shoulders) were operated
doi:10.11296/katakansetsu1977.12.1_110 fatcat:3fz5ctzmebd7vdtwx6ev3s7e54