A New Process for the Requirements Based Aerospace System Design and Optimization
요구도 기반 항공우주 시스템 강건최적설계 기법 연구

2009 Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences  
In this study, a robust aerospace system design process for the aerospace system is developed by considering the uncertainties of user requirements, manufacturing errors, and operational environment variation. User requirements are analyzed and quantified by decision making models and system engineering methods to select alternative concepts which satisfies the various requirements. Robust design and optimization method is applied to derive the robust solution of the selected system. First, a
more » ... riance of objective function is calculated, and a mean value and a variance of target value are determined by the deterministic design optimization results of the system. A robust optimum design formulation is then needed to derive the robust solution that minimizes the variance of the response and moves the mean values to the target value. It is applied to Very Light Jet (VLJ) aircraft to which much attention is paid recently in civil aerospace market.
doi:10.5139/jksas.2009.37.3.255 fatcat:iarsdfnb4jgebljhm25cnzaj2e