The Next-generation Supercomputer and Visuakization
A107 次世代スーパーコンピュータと可視化

Ryutaro HIMENO
2006 Transactions of Visualization Society of Japan  
The next generation supercomputer R & D project started from January, 2006. The Supercomputer will start operation in April, 2011 and will be enhanced its performance during F.Y.2011. It is currently on the progress of design work and its effective performance is planed as > 1.0 Peta FLOPS. As the Earth simulator, this supercomputer will be fastest and larges in Japan and it will be very difficult for other supercomputer to process and visualize the computed results on it. Therefore, we are planning to have an attached visualization system.
doi:10.3154/jvs.26.supplement1_41 fatcat:gxbj4h76r5cnbc6a34s7whl4dy