The development of power specific redlines for SSME safety monitoring

1989 25th Joint Propulsion Conference   unpublished
Over tlie past several years, there has been a n increased awareness in the neccssity for rocket engine health iiionitming because of the cost and coniplexity of present anel future systenis. A current rocket engine system, the Space Shuttle hIaiti Engine ( SShIE), combines a limited redline system with closed-loop control o f tlie eiigine's tliriist level and iiiixtrire ratio. Despite these features, 27 tests of the SShl E h a v t i.csiilted in iiiajor iiicidriils. In this investigatioii, a n
more » ... SME transient iiiodtl was iised to examine tlie eftiact of variations in high pressure turbopump 1wrforiiiance on varioiis engine paraiiic.lers. Based on analysis of the responses, several new parameters are proposed for further investigation as power-level specific recllines. which supply the oxidizer and tlie fuel to the main coinbustion chamber. In the first st age of t lie comhiistion process, each preburner produces a hot fuel-rich gaseous mixture t h a t is used to drive its respective high pressure turbine. The second stage is a co~itrolle(l hurn i n tlie main comblistion chamber t liat produces the engine's t 11 r11s t .
doi:10.2514/6.1989-2413 fatcat:knrc7pqutbhehgqbzzxp6emrle