Kültürel terminoloji çeviri kapsamında nasıl ele alınıyor? Binboğalar Efsanesi

Emrah Eriş
2019 RumeliDE Dil ve Edebiyat Araştırmaları Dergisi  
This study seeks to investigate how cultural terminology is handled in relation to strategies and procedures suggested by Vinay and Darbelnet (1977) based on cultural translation in the English translation of Yaşar Kemal's book Binboğalar Efsanesi (The Legend of the thousand Bulls). These strategies and procedures are direct and oblique translation. The former includes borrowing, calque, and literal translation while the latter is formed of transposition, modulation, equivalence, and
more » ... The first 37 pages of the target text were taken into consideration via examples from the book to be analysed in terms of all abovementioned strategies and procedures. As a result of the study, it was determined that the translator of the book Thilda Kemal performed all these strategies and procedures when rendering the Turkish book into English. In addition, it was found out that the linguistic and cultural competence of the translator allowed the book to be translated in a manner that would make it possible for almost every single word to be understood by the target reader. Finally, it was concluded that the translator took care of a myriad of cultural terms and usages as well as colloquial language with minimal use of omission, revealing that she is well-aware of the proper methods to be used when translating culture. It is also recommended that the English translation of the book be investigated by other means in relation to Translation Studies.
doi:10.29000/rumelide.619042 fatcat:tdt3s2hhdvg67hdagn3d4eijdm