Ground Reflection Effect on OAM Multi-Mode Transmission System Based on Uniform Circular Arrays
UCA 기반 OAM 다중모드 전송시스템에 대한 지면 반사의 영향

Jeong-Ung Yoo, Hae-Won Son
2018 The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science  
This paper investigates the ground reflection effect on the channel capacity of an orbital angular momentum (OAM) multi-mode transmission system that uses uniform circular array (UCA) antennas. The ground-reflected signals cause inter-mode interferences between the OAM modes, and lead to system performance degradation. The OAM multi-mode channel capacity severely degrades owing to the ground reflection as the transmission distance increases. Increasing the UCA height above the ground and using
more » ... ighly directive array elements can mitigate the ground reflection effect and increase the channel capacity.
doi:10.5515/kjkiees.2018.29.1.28 fatcat:lhhygdyywzch3olqdxr6eltogi