Modification of Dopant Concentration Profile in a Field-Effect Heterotransistor for Modification Energy Band Diagram

Pankratov E.L, Bulaeva E.A
2016 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering An International Journal (MSEJ)  
In this paper we consider an approach of manufacturing more compact field-effect heterotransistors. The approach based on manufacturing a heterostructure, which consist of a substrate and an epitaxial layer with specific configuration. After that several areas of the epitaxial layer have been doped by diffusion or ion implantation with optimized annealing of dopant and /or radiation defects. At the same time we introduce an approach of modification of energy band diagram by additional doping of
more » ... channel of the transistors. We also consider an analytical approach to model and optimize technological process. KEYWORDS Modification of profile of dopant; decreasing of dimension of field-effect transistor; modification of energy band diagram
doi:10.5121/msej.2016.3101 fatcat:fqffoa2ezvh7zhq7d7yreasrra