Fractal Analysis of Textures of Jomon Pottery and Yayoi Pottery

Tadao Maekawa, Emi Nishina, Norie Kawai, Rikka Oomura, Manabu Honda, Tsutomu Oohashi
2021 Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan  
Local exponents of fractal dimension were calculated for photos of Jomon potteries and Yayoi potteries by using the box-counting method. The local exponents of fractal dimension of Jomon potteries showed stably higher values above 2.65. In contrast, those of Yayoi potteries fluctuated widely within the comparatively lower range below 2.65. Present results suggest that the texture of Jomon pottery is more complex and denser than that of Yayoi pottery.
doi:10.18974/tvrsj.26.1_72 fatcat:cpzxkxljtbcgddk74nufaxhnru