Effect of Rooting Hormone and Growth Media on Vegetative Propagation (Marcotting) of Thuja occidentalis

B.A Adams, R.O Elesho, A.K Aluko
2018 Zenodo  
This research was carried out at the Federal College of Forestry, Jericho, Ibadan to investigate the effect of rooting hormone and rooting media on the vegetative propagation (marcotting) of Thuja occidentalis via air layering. The materials used were topsoil, soaked sawdust, sterilized river sand, Doff hormone and transparent nylon. Data collected include root length and number of root, which were taken fortnightly from 8-14 weeks after layering. The data were analysed using descriptive
more » ... s. The result obtained showed that soaked sawdust with hormone had the highest number of roots (64) followed by topsoil and hormone (54). Topsoil and sterilized river sand had 37 while sterilized river sand with hormone had the least number of roots (32). Sterilized river sand had the longest root (30.8cm) followed by soaked sawdust with hormone (30.4cm). Topsoil had 26.9cm, while sterilized river sand had the shortest root length (25.6cm). However, the use of hormone (Doff) with soaked sawdust produced the best rooting of Thuja occidentalis in the experiment. The combination of soaked sawdust and hormone is recommended in rooting of Thuja occidentalis plant species.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.2526433 fatcat:mxifjvasvfau7nle44k7uibu2y