The Impact Of Information And Communication Technology (Ict) Tools On The Business Functions: A Study On Tour Operating Firms

Vaishnavi Ramanujam, Prem Kumar, Prof.Y.Venkata Rao
2018 Zenodo  
Tourism industry has been viewed as an information intensive industry (Sheldon, 1997). Globalization has drastically changed the tourism industry. ICT has accelerated the process of globalisation in tourism industry by offering efficient tools for the vendors in developing, operating and distributing their products and services worldwide (Buhalis, 2003). The post-globalization era has made a turnaround impact in altering the social and the economic structure. These changes are attributed to the
more » ... advent and the adoption of ICT (Information and Communication Technology). Unlike other industries, the diffusion of the ICT in tourism industry is significantly more because of the worldwide operations. This paper aims at finding the level of ICT adoption in tour operations, and the relationship between the ICT applications and tools with the business functions.
doi:10.5281/zenodo.1334500 fatcat:bvewb2ycrrdzxh3gi4gblr7xtm