1880 Science  
The question of priority in the use of the locomotive on railroads in this country is one of perennial interest. The literature on thie vexed subject cemprises volumes. For thc seven cities of Greece, wlhichi claimii the honor of the birthplace of lhomer, we hiave hlad almost as mlany States claiming the honiorable distinctioni of first imitro)ducing the locomotivc engine for service on tIme railroad. '1Tle idea of applying steam as the motive powtr on railroads hlad occurred to many of our
more » ... neers, stimulated as thiey werc dooubtless by th1e successful practice of Eingland; and the introdluction cf the locomotive by Pennsylvania anid Soutil Carolina was almost synchronous ; yet the former is f'airly entitled to the distinction of priority, Fortunatcly thebre is now living in San Francisco onc of the vewtran ratilroad men of the country, who is absolutely familiair with tile initerestilng incidents of the carly history of the railroad and thie locomotive engiie in this country.
doi:10.1126/science.os-1.4.35 pmid:17782550 fatcat:ooqbr2a73vc77nktoj2oemcska