Universal Diurnal Variation of F2-Layer Critical Frequency as Characteristic of Global Ionosphere Condition

V. V. Kuznetsov, V. V. Plotkin, I. I. Nesterova, N. I. Izraileva
1993 Journal of geomagnetism and geoelectricity  
In this paper the universal diurnal variation offoF2 is suggested to be used as the characteristic of the global ionosphere condition. The method was elaborated to obtain the universal diurnal variation of foF2 by means of the Fourier series. This method allows us to use the small number of the observatories for the analysis. The possibility to distinguish the universal diurnal variation offoF2 by the described method is shown as an example for December 1988 data (the period of the International Program SUNDIAL).
doi:10.5636/jgg.45.1175 fatcat:rnfudxvhrfbqjbxuizdl5rkm6a