Theory of Heat Capacity of Liquid Helium-4 for Temperatures above the Critical Point

I.O. Vakarchuk, V.S. Pastukhov, R.O. Prytula
2012 Ukrainian Journal of Physics  
We analyze numerically the behavior of the heat capacity of liquid 4He for the entire temperature range with the corresponding formula for the internal energy obtained in Ref. [I.O. Vakarchuk, R.O. Prytula, A.A. Rovenchak, J. Phys. Stud. 11, 259 (2007)] combined with a simple calculation of the effective mass of interacting Bose particles. The results agree quite well with experimental data.
doi:10.15407/ujpe57.12.1214 fatcat:vlasugl3hvf4rkulqdb7rr7l3i