A Reference Handbook of the Medical Sciences, Embracing the Entire Range of Scientific and Practical Medicine and Allied Science

1903 Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA)  
quality and strength and to secure adherence to prescribed formulas of all drugs, chemicals, foodstuffs, and of all articles intended for use in the arts and sciences or for human consumption ; to diffuse accurate and reliable information as to such articles, preparations or products and as to those making or dealing in the same ; to procure uniformity and certainty in the customs, usages and methods of manufacture of those engaged in the foregoing or allied trades ; to supervise the
more » ... , preparation or production and distribution by its members of all commodities, articles or preparations mentioned, and, on sufficient evidence that the stan¬ dards of identity, purity, quality and strength, as well as adher¬ ence to prescribed formulas have been maintained, and that all
doi:10.1001/jama.1903.02490150055021 fatcat:elxwg7pf7rcihdtfc7zglf3dsm