Dialogical Topos Models

Yoko Yamada, Chizumi Yamada
2009 Japanese Journal of Qualitative Psychology  
Qualitative studies are characterized by locality and difficulty of replication, and it is a crucial issue how to generate a common "knowledge" which is generalized across several "fields". Model construction is one way to resolve this issue. Here, we try to propose the diverse models related with narrative and polyphonic dialogue, based on "Topos Model", where self and others are considered as context-dependent concepts included in "topos" rather than independent concepts as "individuals". The
more » ... models of "narrative topos" focus on the patterns of persons' interaction, which include four models; 1) Ireko (Nest of boxes) Model, 2) Dual Dialogical Model, 3) Triple Dialogical Model, and 4) Polyphonic Dialogical Model. The models of "different topos and times" concentrate on the difference in the cultural and temporal contexts, which include three models; 5) Inter-topos Dialogical Model, 6) Life Rings Model, and 7) Crono-topos Model. Our models have the following advantages; by simplification of theoretical flames, we can apply these models to a number of realities of local fields. By using multiple models, we can combine them to the research purposes. By organizing the mutual relationship of the models, we can develop the generative variations.
doi:10.24525/jaqp.8.1_25 fatcat:6iwb3qgqebbjfhrxkhzhins4ru