Metrology withPT-Symmetric Cavities: Enhanced Sensitivity near thePT-Phase Transition

Zhong-Peng Liu, Jing Zhang, Şahin Kaya Özdemir, Bo Peng, Hui Jing, Xin-You Lü, Chun-Wen Li, Lan Yang, Franco Nori, Yu-xi Liu
2016 Physical Review Letters  
We propose and analyze a new approach based on parity-time (PT) symmetric microcavities with balanced gain and loss to enhance the performance of cavity-assisted metrology. We identify the conditions under which PT-symmetric microcavities allow to improve sensitivity beyond what is achievable in loss-only systems. We discuss its application to the detection of mechanical motion, and show that the sensitivity is significantly enhanced in the vicinity of the transition point from unbroken- to
more » ... en-PT regimes. We believe that our results open a new direction for PT-symmetric physical systems and it may find use in ultra-high precision metrology and sensing.
doi:10.1103/physrevlett.117.110802 pmid:27661674 fatcat:jogtkilpebfpdhzxyp77hx2q4y