Evaluation of serum creatinine in subclinical hypothyroidism A case-control study

Mahantesh Bb, Shankarprasad Ds, Sangappa Vk, Shivanand, Postgraduate Student
2015 Original Research International Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Research   unpublished
Hypothyroidism is a clinical condition characterized by abnormally low thyroid hormone production. Hypothyroidism results in slowing down of metabolic processes. Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with biochemical abnormalities including increased serum creatinine level. Objectives: This study was designed to estimate the serum creatinine level in subclinical hypothyroidism cases and to assess the correlation of serum creatinine with fT3, fT4, TSH. Material and methods: Study included 61
more » ... atients of subclinical hypothyroidism and 61 age, sex matched healthy controls. Venous blood was analyzed for testing creatinine and fT3, fT4, TSH levels. Statistical analysis was done using student 't' test. Pearson's correlation between the creatinine and thyroid parameters was performed to establish the relationship. Results: The serum creatinine level was significantly elevated in subclinical hypothyroidism cases in comparison to controls. Creatinine showed significant positive correlation with TSH and negative correlation with fT3, fT4 levels. Conclusion: Subclinical hypothyroidism is associated with elevated serum creatinine level.