3rd comment on: Study of second-order wind statistics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region from multistatic specular meteor radar observations during the SIMONe 2018 campaign [post]

2020 unpublished
Interactive comment on "Study of second-order wind statistics in the mesosphere and lower thermosphere region from multistatic specular meteor radar observations during the SIMONe 2018 campaign" by Harikrishnan Charuvil Asokan et al. The reviewer apologizes by the authors that the comments are taken to be sarcasm. This was surely not the intention. The reviewer assumed that a world leading atmospheric science group with decades of experience of radar measurements is aware of the research
more » ... ed during the past decades and that the paper was just a mistake. Furthermore, the reviewer investigated the issue further. The electric fields (approx. 4 mV/m at the MLT) transmitted by SIMONe are strong enough to heat the electron C1 ACPD Interactive comment Printer-friendly version Discussion paper
doi:10.5194/acp-2020-974-rc6 fatcat:abhffbwlz5egdfnskdmuxbgova