84 Development and implementation of the comprehensive scheme for exposure assessment of chemicals in industrial/academic research facilities

Haruo Hashimoto, Hiroko Kato, Chiemi Ishiyama
2018 Occupational Health in the Chemical Industry   unpublished
methods should be harmonised in order to ensure consistency among prevention actions. For this purpose, INRS has developed a software named Seirich. The methodology deployed in Seirich is part of a national agreement on prevention of chemical risk, and involves numerous partners, including the French Ministry of Labour, the Occupational Risk Directorate of Social Security and several trade organisations. This tool includes the classification and labelling of substances and mixtures according to
more » ... the CLP regulation (EU regulation EC 1272/2008). The methodology includes several steps implemented as functionalities: inventorying of products and emitted substances; ranking of products and emitted substances according to their risk level; chemical risk assessment adapted to the user's degree of expertise; technical and legal advice adapted to the context; follow-up for prevention actions. The description of the methodology and the Seirich software are available for download free of charge, via the www. seirich.fr website (in French). Since June 1 st 2015, Seirich has been downloaded by more than 15.000 companies in France and abroad and several training sessions have been organised for helping companies in chemical risk assessment with Seirich.
doi:10.1136/oemed-2018-icohabstracts.1045 fatcat:rzolykaudvgtrd2vyyx762zcga