Recent Developments in Chalcopyrite Solar Cell and Module Technologies

Shogo ISHIZUKA, Hironori KOMAKI, Takashi YOSHIYAMA, Kazuyuki MIZUKOSHI, Akimasa YAMADA, Shigeru NIKI
2010 Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan  
Chalcopyrite Cu(In, Ga)Se 2 (CIGS) and related compounds belong to the semiconducting I III VI 2 materials family and are most promising thinˆlm solar cells which have demonstrated up to 20 cell e‹ciencies and over 15 module e‹ciencies to date. Many CIGS companies in EU, US, and Japan have started several ten MW/year scale commercial production and have announced to increase their production capacities further within a couple of years. In this review, recent developments in highly e‹cient
more » ... GS module technologies and issues to be solved for further development are discussed. Recent progress in the development of reliable alkali incorporation control techniques which is required to demonstrate high cell e‹ciencies from ‰exible CIGS cells fabricated on alkali-free substrates is also introduced. The mechanism behind the beneˆcial eŠects of alkali doping into CIGS absorber layers is also discussed.
doi:10.3131/jvsj2.53.25 fatcat:xod6liixvbhuhm4ipbdrn2bhjy