Dispute Resolution Mechanism in Pakistan:

2020 Pakistan Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Research  
While introducing structural changes, the 18thconstitutional amendment is a step toward participatory federalism. The said constitutional amendment revived the spirit of the original 1973 federal constitution and went a step further to scrap the concurrent legislative list, it devolved 17th ministries to the provinces and activated the dispute resolution mechanism. In the post 18th amendment era, the Council of Common Interest emerged as the highest national planning and coordination
more » ... . The said refined council has been provided for 18th subjects of combined management of shared responsibilities, enumerated in the federal legislative list Part II. Its structure and functions have been vitalized and its ambit has been increased. To harmonize the center-provincial relations the 1956 constitution provides Inter Provincial Council, the 1962 constitution ignored it all together. However, the provision and refinement of the Council of Common interest under the 1973 constitution in 2010 was a "progressive leaf forward" to ensure provincial autonomy and to resolve the lingering issues. This article is an effort to analyze the performance of the dispute resolution after 18th amendment that how far it has been successful in its aims and objectives.
doi:10.37605/pjhssr.v3i2.20 fatcat:7cohb3gjz5dyppumy6taxnoq5q