
David Stewart, Sue Lacey Bryant, Clare Edwards, Dominic Gilroy
2020 Library and Information Research  
Every CILIP President has a theme. In David Stewart's Presidential year in 2019, one of his themes was the need to focus on our own evidence base in libraries and therefore research. In the NHS "evidence-based healthcare" has been an important driver for change since the 1990s. Evidence based healthcare led directly to evidence based librarianship and that too has been a powerful agent for change in NHS library and knowledge services. Nevertheless, there is much more to do – the power of
more » ... e needs to be recognised across all our professional groups and we need a much more coordinated approach to its funding, development and dissemination.
doi:10.29173/lirg822 fatcat:r36upc5kkfh7jgy2mcebdbwd7e