Hasriani Umar
2021 Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Universitas Lampung  
PTKIN plays a role in improving human resources, so a selection system is needed which can select students according to their competence. UM-PTKIN is one of a system for selecting prospective students. In the selection system, the questions being tested require the ability to think from low to a high level of prospective students so that knowing the characteristics of the questions being tested is one of the keys to the success of prospective students in facing selection. This study aims to
more » ... sify the characteristics of the UM-PTKIN questions based on the form of the question stimulus and the cognitive level of the questions based on the revised Bloom's Taxonomy. This type of research is qualitative research using content or document analysis techniques based on the characteristics of the stimulus and the cognitive level of questions. The data collection techniques in this study used non-test techniques and focus group discussion (FGD) using questionnaires and FGD guidelines. The results showed 1) mathematics questions on UM-PTKIN basic ability test in 2019 with the 1911 script code contains 3 questions in the form of image stimulus, 1 question in the form of graphical stimulus and tables, 3 questions in the form of stimulus formulas, 2 questions in the form of stimulus for mathematical equations, 4 questions in the form of stimulus examples and 13 questions in the form of case fragment stimulus; 2) The questions contained 26% in the LOTS question category, 30% with the MOST question category and 44% with the HOTS question category with the overall distribution of the question material, the material of the flat shape was the material that appears the most.
doi:10.23960/mtk/v9i2.pp184-196 fatcat:hzroj5wphvhvriw7m23sg6bf5e