The Young Professional: A Personal Budgeting Challenge

Joseph M. Larkin, Joseph M. Ragan
2016 Journal of Business Case Studies (JBCS)  
A common dream of many college students is to have a job within their chosen field awaiting them when they graduate. However, given the economy and other situational factors, this may not become a reality for all students. In this case study, a soon-to-be-graduate, Kate Denny, has been fortunate enough to have received a job offer in her chosen field commencing upon graduation. She has worked extremely hard to place herself in this situation. Offered, what she considers a generous starting
more » ... y and benefits package, she is beginning her journey into the real world and living independently and being truly self-supportive. However, she is not quite sure whether or not she will be able to live within her means, support herself, fulfill her obligations and at the same time, live the good life of a young professional. A personal budget is what Kate needs. She seeks your advice and counsel to help her manage her finances so she can have her cake and eat it too!
doi:10.19030/jbcs.v12i4.9793 fatcat:cimnshgam5fnpee5iunvo4cexi