Sharing Heartbeat: Toward Conducting Heartrate and Speech Rhythm through Tactile Presentation of Pseudo-heartbeats

Mizuki Yabutani, Yuichi Mashiba, Homura Kawamura, Suzuha Harada, Keiichi Zempo
2022 The Adjunct Publication of the 35th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology  
Currently, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic makes physical contact, such as handshakes, difcult. However, physical contact is efective in strengthening the bonds between people. In this study, we aim to compensate for the physical contact lost during the COVID-19 pandemic by presenting a pseudo-heartbeat through a speaker to reproduce entrainment and the synchronized state of heartbeats induced by physiological synchronization. We evaluated the efects of the device in terms of speech rhythm and
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doi:10.1145/3526114.3558704 fatcat:p5ij5mvdbnh4jn56jfhpz43qay