Self-Directed Learning Skills in Honduras: A Comparative Study

Paul J. Guglielmino, Robert P. Vichas
1991 Iberoamericana: Nordic Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Studies  
mtroduction In this article, levels of readiness for self-directed (or auto-managed) learning among individual managers and nonmanagers are explored in two cities in Honduras (Central America): Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula. Data from the Honduran sample are cumulated; aggregated results are compared with a similar previous study conducted in the United States. Before presenting and discussing the results and conclusions drawn from the Honduran study, the authors introduce and define the
more » ... t of self-directed learning, review selected literature, and describe the test instrument and methodology employed in this particular field study.
doi:10.16993/ibero.228 fatcat:o53cmmjjwjfqnpgxumlbdttaay