Successful treatment of a rare variant of mesangioproliferative glomerulonephritis with IgM deposits with Cyclosporin A

Daria V. Gurova, Natalia V. Chebotareva, Anatoliy A. Vinogradov, Ekaterina V. Stavrovskaya, Lidia V. Lysenko
2020 Терапевтический архив  
We present a case with a rare variant of glomerulonephritis, IgM nephropathy, which occurs mainly with nephrotic syndrome. The clinical features of this variant of kidney damage are characterized; the pathogenetic and the transformation of this form of nephritis into focal segmental glomerulosclerosis are discussed. The development of severe nephrotic syndrome at the beginning of the disease, the formation of secondary steroid resistance have confirmed this hypothesis and have justified the
more » ... tment with cyclosporin A aimed at the recovery of the function of the podocyte with remission of nephritis.
doi:10.26442/00403660.2020.06.000673 pmid:33346496 fatcat:samkzwnybvcele2j72435uznni