Performance modeling and analysis of IP switching

J. Zheng, V.O.K. Li
1999 2nd International Conference on ATM. ICATM'99 (Cat. No.99EX284)  
IP Switching is a new routing technology proposed to improve the performance of IP routers. In this paper, we study the pel-formance modeling and analysis of IP switching. Our proposed performance models can be used to evaluate the percentage of flows switched and the ratio of the switched path delay to the forwarded path delay in an IP switch. Based on these models, the impacts of different system parameters on the performance are also investigated. Our objective is to develop a design tool
more » ... IP switches. ratio of the switched path delay to the forwarded path delay in an IP switch using the input-queued ATM switch. Based on these models, the impacts of different system parameters on the performance are also investigated. The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In Section 11, we present our proposed performance models and analyze the system performance based on these models. In Section 111, we give some numerical results to investigate the impacts of different system parameters on the performance of an IP switch. In Section IV, we summarize this paper.
doi:10.1109/icatm.1999.786839 fatcat:vsppyftedzcrvlwqdrxyseyt3a