POTENSI DAN DAYA DUKUNG JERAMI PADI SEBAGAI PAKAN SAPI POTONG DI KALIMANTAN TIMUR (Potency and Carrying Capacity of Rice Straw for Beef Cattle Feeding in East Kalimantan)

H Mayulu, Dan Suhardi, Fakultas Pertanian, Universitas Mulawarman, Jl Belengkong, Kampus Gunung, Kelua Samarinda
Utilization of rice straw instead of green fodder is very potential to meet the scarcity of green fodder in the dry season. Low nutrient content and bulky characteristic of rice straw can be anticipated through treatment. Optimal utilization of rice straw provides opportunities for a waste-free production concept of low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA). The research was conducted in two stages: 1) survey using purposive sampling techniques to determine the potential quantity of
more » ... e straw in three districts; and 2) a laboratory experiment, aimed to determine the potential nutritional quality of rice straw. Surveys in the form of data collection on the extent of paddy rice crops, the number of beef cattle population as the basis for determining the carrying capacity of rice straw in providing the feed. Laboratory experiments included sample preparation of rice straw through the enumeration, drying, determination of dry matter (DM), and proximate analysis. The results showed that average yield of rice straw in the area of research during the last five years was +9.799; +8.302; +7.079; +8.714; and +6.432 tons/year, respectively. The average population was 1.264, 1.616, 1.842, 1.683, and 1.919 animal unit (AU)/year, respectively. The average feed requirement for beef cattle was 44.609, 23.719, 20.225, 24.897, and 18.377 tons/year, respectively. On the average, carrying capacity per year was 54.07, 78.91, 20.16, 65.91, and 16.58 AU/ year, respectively. Chemical composition of rice straw according to proximate analysis was DM=87.85%, crude protein=4.86%, ether extract=0.91%, crude fibre = 41.07%, Nitrogen free extract = 36.98%, and Total digestible nutrient = 46.65%. In conclusion, in terms of quantity and quality, rice straw has the potential to meet the needs of beef cattle feed in Penajam Paser Utara, Kutai Kartanegara and Berau. ABSTRAK Pemanfaatan jerami padi sebagai pengganti hijauan makanan ternak (HMT) sangat potensial untuk memenuhi kelangkaan pakan di musim kemarau. Kandungan nutrisi yang rendah, bersifat bulky, dapat diantisipasi melalui perlakuan. Pemanfaatan jerami padi secara optimal memberikan kesempatan produksi yang bebas limbah sesuai konsep low external input sustainable agriculture (LEISA). Penelitian dilaksanakan dua tahapan: 1) survei menggunakan teknik purposive sampling untuk mengetahui potensi kuantitas jerami padi di tiga kabupaten; dan 2) eksperimen laboratorium, bertujuan mengetahui potensi kualitas nutrisi jerami padi. Survei berupa pendataan terhadap luasan panen padi sawah, jumlah populasi sapi potong sebagai dasar penentuan kapasitas tampung terhadap kemampuan jerami padi dalam menyediakan pakan. Eksperimen laboratorium yakni melakukan preparasi sampel jerami padi melalui pencacahan, pengeringan, penelusuran bahan kering (BK), dan analisis proksimat. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata produksi produksi jerami padi lima tahun terakhir di daerah penelitian adalah +9.799; +8.302; +7.079; +8.714; dan +6.432 ton. Rata-rata populasi mencapai 1,264 ST; 1.616 ST; 1.842 ST; 1.683 ST dan 1.919 ST. Rata-rata kebutuhan sapi potong dalam setahun sebesar 44.609 ton/th; 23.719 ton/th; 20.225 ton/th; 24.897 ton/th dan 18.377 ton/th. Rata-rata kapasitas tampung masing-masing 54,07 ST/th; 78,91 ST/th; 20,16 ST/th; 65,91 ST/th; dan 16,58 ST/th. Kandungan nutrisi jerami padi berdasarkan hasil proksimat adalah BK=87,85%; PK=4,86%; LK=0,91%; SK=41,07%; BETN=36,98%; dan TDN=46,65%. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jerami padi secara kuantitas dan kualitas berpotensi untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pakan sapi potong di Kabupaten Penajam Paser Utara, Kutai Kartanegara dan Berau. Kata kunci: Potensi, jerami padi, hijauan, sapi potong, daya dukung, satuan ternak;