Detection of clock errors in seismic records and estimation of time shifts for a seismic network

N. N. Belovezhets, Y. M. Berezhnev, A. V. Jakovlev, S. S. Abramenkov, I. F. Abkadyrov
2022 Russian Journal of geophysical technologies  
In the records of autonomous seismological observations occurrence of quartz watch clock drift often leads to incorrect time records. This paper presents a method for detecting such errors in a seismic station network based on the analysis of ambient seismic noise cross-correlation functions using Monte-Carlo Markov chain (MCMC) approach without using a reference signal. The proposed method was tested on the seismic data of a temporary seismic network installed on Paramushir Island in 2021-2022
more » ... for which time shifts were successfully estimated and corrections to the cross-correlation functions were made.
doi:10.18303/2619-1563-2022-1-134 fatcat:ieqcmngc7ffrzjqgw2zfz7kdqe